"What if I told you, I could guarantee you clear skin?
I can."
Does clear skin feel like an impossible dream?
You've tried every cream, pill, diet but nothing works? This is because none of these address the root cause of acne.
The cause lies within our bodies, just waiting for us to take action. I will give you everything you need to take back your health.
I will show you the cause, give you the solution and get you there in just 30 days. Your perfect skin is just the beginning. This will change every aspect of your health to levels previously unimagined!
Clear Skin, 30 Days, Guaranteed.
About Jake.
Care, love, and going above and beyond for every one of my clients is reflected in each consultation.
Jake is a Certified Detoxification Practitioner, specialising in the regeneration and hydration of the human body. He helps people regain their health, through powerful herbal protocols, practical and doable lifestyle changes, and all whilst continuing his studies to become a naturopathic doctor.
Jake’s focus is always on the cause of the problem and never looks at treatments, rather he empowers you with the cause, gives you the solution, and helps you get back your vitality and health.
- May peace and health be with you, Jake Gallon.
What is Acne?
Acne is just a name for a bodily stagnation issue. Fix the stagnation, fix acne. Whether it is acne, psoriasis, dandruff or eczema: the cause and solution are the same!
These signs tells us that we are extremely acidic within, and that we must quickly reverse it using alkaline foods, herbs and proper elimination
Take control of your skin today.
- Online/Phone ConsultationFull Description
Discover how regenerative detoxification can heal all conditions with ...
- Online/Phone ConsultationFull Description
Shedding light on the cause and solution to your health issues.
345 Australian dollars - Full Description
Seeing your genetics, lymphatics and bodily health through the eyes.
234 Australian dollars - Online/Phone ConsultationFull Description
Giving you complete support for 4 weeks of your journey to wellness.
876 Australian dollars - Online/Phone ConsultationFull Description
The ultimate detoxification package. Giving you absolutely everything ...
2,460 Australian dollars - Online/Phone ConsultationFull Description
4 Months of complete coaching support
3,210 Australian dollars
All consults and follow-ups will be conducted on Skype/Zoom, or in person if possible.
What sets you apart from other health practitioners?Unlike most health practitioners, I look for the cause of the problem, and never treat symptoms. 
Treating symptoms does not remove the cause. Once we remove the cause, then the true healing can take place, and anything is possible.
My goal is to give you all the tools and knowledge to empower you to heal yourself beyond my coaching.
What are some examples of deep healing?We see people get out of their wheelchairs, become free from virtually all dis-ease and suffering, regain sight, hearing, clear skin, regrow tissue, and even regrow hair and teeth. Remember that this is not a cure. This a regenerative detoxification process to restore health and vitality back to the human body.
Is Jake a medical doctor?No! Jake is trained in regenerative detoxification, and is a detoxification specialist through Dr Robert Morse’s school.
Does this way of healing actually work?Yes! Through the power of living foods paired with herbal formulas, we see great success with anyone who follows this way of healing. We do not see the same success in other detox programs. Dr Robert Morse (from which my teachings are based in) has been helping people with virtually all illnesses gain full recovery for over 50 years.
Am I guaranteed complete healing, and in what time frame?Time is your best friend! If we don’t do the work, we can’t expect success. When someone commits to the raw living foods, fruits and herbs, this is where we see success and deep health transformations unlike anything else. Everyone is unique, so we cannot guarantee an exact time frame. Having patience and trust in your bodies ability in healing itself is a must.
Can I take the herbs even if I’m taking prescription drugs?Yes, herbs are classed as foods, they’re non-hybrid, and are generally safe to take while on other products or chemical drugs. There are times when caution is necessary, and working closely with a detox specialist is recommended.